“HWH is like a big family with all friendly people. Any question we throw, we get the answer. This is an important point for every part-time staffs.”
    My first work with HWH was the Smart City Summit & Expo, my duty was pick-up foreign guests at the Airport. In the past, I had rare chance to communicate in English, and I was afraid of it. However, after a few times of training and practices by HWH, I found that speaking out and letting people understand was not as hard as I imaged. One thing impresses me the most was on the Smart City Summit & Expo, every foreign guest has high social status. But when I was conveying the messages from the SCSE organizers, these foreign guests still pay attention to me and record the information. Since then, I realized our works are more important than we thought.
    The most essential lesson I learnt from HWH is about the attitudes. No matter the attitude to our work, or the attitude to our co-workers, they are equally important. The work maybe tense due to different factors, but we need to finish our works by our own. This is about our working attitudes. However, during the pre-training, HWH would simply explain the situations and stimulate different occurrences to let us practice. So, when we face those questions in reality, we will have more confident to deal with them. HWH is like a big family with all friendly people. Any question we throw, we get the answer. This is an important point for every part-time staffs.
    I still remember in the SCSE airport pick-up service, one of the guests told me: “You’re not like a student, you are professional.” Every times when I remind of this, it encourages me a lot; it makes me believe in myself and my ability. Taiwanese students are not lack of professional skills, but they need more self-recognition. HWH has a perfect platform to connect with the world-wide exhibitions, this is the best way to see the world from another angle. This is an opportunity for students to discover themselves.

    "It is a great experience for me to have the opportunity to learn at the exhibitions, and lead the staffs to get cohesion. We work together and assist customers to accomplish our missions ."
    This part-time work opportunity was coming from a friend of mine. We usually work in Kaohsiung. In a Pet Show, we had a chance to work with HWH group. Through our previous company, they promoted the opportunity to cooperate with HWH. I feel that in my life, in addition to schoolwork, participating in activities gives me a great sense of accomplishment. I can lead my team members to come up a solution for different challenges. I can also talk to foreigners of various countries. Those are really great experiences for me.
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